6-12 北京日坛 MS CS 水check(希望是)

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Me: Morning sir.
VO: Morning... (看了看表)Your resume and study plan please.
VO: (看了看我的study plan,扫了大概两遍)You said you will continue to get a PhD after that...?
(我日。。当时study plan不小心写了我之后想继续做research。。脑洞大开啊脑洞大开。。直接说coursework option不就得了!没想到PhD也成敏感词了。。)
Me: Oh, that's just a plan.
VO: Do you have a supervisor?
Me: Not yet. I just started to look at their webpages.
VO: I see. You had J-1 last year. But you're doing a master, so that's fine. (上次J-1被check了之后有个2-year rule,不过不影响F-1签证)
VO: (看了看我的CV。。前面有个Monte Carlo simulation的research,关于统计物理的)Hmm... You did Monte Carlo... Tell me about that. What is Monte Carlo?
Me: Bla Bla Bla (说了下自己去年在Oak Ridge National Lab做的暑期research,这个躲不过的,毕竟有签证记录).... modeling ..... perform simulation .... to get the properties of ............ some .... materials.
(F*****k,VO一直看着我。。material 这个敏感词就顺口蹦出来了)
VO: What kind of material?
Me: Not any specific ones. We just study the general algorithms from a mathematics point of view...
VO: (看起来还比较满意)Hmm... (然后一脸狐疑)You will continue to a PhD at Georgia Tech?
Me: Not necessarily. Perhaps some other schools.
VO: So do you have a research plan?
Me: (草草草草我都有study plan了你还想怎么样!)I don't have one right now.
VO: So you need to email your research ....
Me: But I'm just going for a Master's degree, and usually we don't have a specific research plan at this point.
VO: What about your PhD?
Me:(草草草草)It's just a possibility.
VO: Oh I see. So you don't need to hand in anything else. (把check条放回去了)But you need to wait longer before your visa can be issued. (应该是例行check吧)About three weeks.
Me: Sure. Thank you.
VO: Have a nice day!
Me: Thank you!


还是太连轻啊。。不应该提PhD的== 真是no zuo no die。。 不过就算不提还是有可能会被check。
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