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在upload document的时候看到这段话:
We encourage you to use the Upload Documents feature to submit the items listed below. Please note that these items do not need to be submitted by mail if they are uploaded here. Please include your name, Boston University ID, and the category of document (i.e. "Qualifications and Objectives") in the header of every document that you upload. Your Boston University ID can be found under the 'Personal' tab. It is important to note that any falsified information provided for your application can disqualify you from admission.

意思是说我要在每个档案(SOP, CV, transcript)的开头都要写上这些信息?可是我的transcript是PDF,要加的话只能再插入一页空白的来填写这些信息了,这样会有问题吗?
然后最搞不懂的是这个:and the category of document (i.e. "Qualifications and Objectives") 请问这个是什么意思呢?