加拿大签证助教的Employment Reference Letter怎么写?

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最近想弄一个加拿大旅游签证,但是不想找父母弄什么财产证明,因为自己做TA的收入糊弄一下旅游签证还是够的。但是网申的时候发现要交一个Employment Reference Letter,要求非常多:

You must provide an employment reference letter (an up-to-date reference from current or past employers). If you have had more than two employers in the last two years, please provide a letter from both employers.

Reference letters must be written on company letterhead, show the company’s full address and telephone and fax numbers, and be stamped with the company’s official seal.

The letter should include all of the following information:

  • the specific period of your employment with the company
  • the positions you held during the period of employment and the time spent in each position
  • full details of your main responsibilities in each position
  • your total annual salary plus benefits
  • the signature of your immediate supervisor or the personnel officer at the company
  • a business card of the person signing

感觉这东西找系里开还是很麻烦的,我们当时办SSN的时候internation office给开了一个证明,但是没写main responsibilities,具体收入多少和什么business card。不知道有没有前辈有类似的经验,告诉我这个行不,或者具体应该怎么弄?

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