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CS Phd 反签递签被转面签,29号安家楼check,之后发了两封邮件给 CIUBeijing。
第一封回复 wait 6~8 weeks,署名 x.m. 第二封 wait 4~5 weeks,署名 L.A

然后今天发了第三封,同样来自 x.m. 但内容略有不同,已经不提等待时间了。。ORZ。。

[align="left"]We apologize for the length of time the administrative processing has taken in your case. At the time of interview, applicants are told the normal wait time to expect for their visa to be ready after administrative processing. Please bear in mind that while most cases are processed within a few weeks, the process can be longer in some instances. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact timeframe for how long the processing will take. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]We will keep you updated on the status of your case and let you know as soon as the processing is complete. We appreciate your continued patience. [/align]

补充内容 (2015-1-21 12:05):
已经开学一周了,还有 TA Work 要做。。累觉不爱。