开奖结果#01: 谢谢参与@NCSU STAT MS

收到邮件说让我去查状态, 就知道是什么结果了, 要是AD的话应该直接就在邮件里面祝贺了吧. {:4_82:}

没啥太多要说的, That’s it.



Dear Mr. UnquenchableMe,

We have received your application and supporting documents for admission to the Graduate School.
After careful consideration, the faculty of the program to which you applied (Statistics - MR) has not recommended your admission. Theirdecision was based on the requirements of their particular program, the qualifications and performance of students currently studying in theprogram, and the number of new students that the program can accommodate and support. I concur with their decision and must thereforedeny your admission.
I appreciate your interest in the graduate programs at North Carolina State University, and I wish you well in your future endeavors.

Very truly yours,
Maureen Grasso, Dean (D)

补充内容 (2015-1-23 12:27):
排版好糟, 还不能编辑, 看着好不舒服, 建议增加预览功能.