8th REJ from stat(DS)@Stanford, 拒信终于等到了, 申请季结束啦~

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终于等到女神的拒信, 可以宣布申请季结束了 哈哈

(其实还有10+pending, 都不好过手上的几个, 当初申太多了........

Thank you for applying to the master's program in the Department of Statistics.The screening of applications for admission to both the Statistics M.S. and Data Science (track) degree programs is now complete.
We received many competitive applications for very few openings, and after much thought and careful consideration of your application, the Graduate Admissions Committee regrets to say that we are unable to
offer you admission.

It is always difficult for us to write this kind of letter to many deserving students. Our admissions process is thorough and as fair as possible, but inevitably we end up having to compare people with vastly
different backgrounds and strengths. We truly appreciate your interest in the department and wish you every success in your future endeavors.