2nd WL..Stat@Temple 还是木书读。。求分析转正机会

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楼主的第二个WL。。木有啥统计数学背景 果然还是很难啊。。
按耐不住发了邮件问 第二天得到的回复如下:

The admissions committee is very impressed by your achievements at school and with your work experience. Although we are not able to offer you admission at this time, you are high on the wait list. Are you still interested in being considered for our program?

I hope you understand that not yet being admitted but being on the waitlist in no way says that you will not be able to complete a strong PhD. It is a reflection of the fact that we have a small PhD program at Temple and a large number of strong applicants. To assure that all of our students get the specialized attention and resources that they require to be successful, we will be admitting only 3-4 fully funded PhD students this year.

“high on the wait list”是说明还是有希望的么。。忧伤。。

补充内容 (2015-3-12 22:51):
感觉这个时间点还没有消息 被WL的几率很高啊。。