3rd AD from Cornell ORIE 【附面试题目】

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3月2号收到面试通知,11号才面的。康奈尔今年的面试统一online video,目的只是为了测试口语水平,据说是去年录了太多口语太烂的人。推断面试都是随机的问题,即使同一个program题目也不一样。面试一共5个问题,每个问题只能答1分钟。问题的video一播完就要开始录回答了。有点像托福口语。Anyway,以下是我的面试题目以及我从各处搜刮来的题目:
我的【Applied Operation Research/AOR】

  1. What do you expect from ORIE?
  2. What have you learn from your previous team work?
  3. What role do you play in a team?
  4. Talk about an experience you wish you would do over again.
  5. What’s your most important responsibility as a master of Eng?

2. What do you want to learn from OR?

3.What role do you wish to play in group project?
4.业余爱好what do you do in your free time?
5.What is your biggest accomplishment?

【System Engieering】

1.What’s your math background?
2.What team project have you done?
3.What’s your biggest accomplishment?
4.Describe the motion in the video.

5. N/A

Financial Engineering :
1.What can you get from this program
2.Why should we choose you among others
3.At a network event, how would you start your conversation with a stranger4.What’s your favorite book
5. 3 characteristics of success

我的last name比较后,所以在我后面面试的人应该不多了,不过也能造福一下学弟学妹{:4_100:}
GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! 让offer雨下的更猛烈些吧{:4_86:}

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