Johns Hopkins Civil Fellowship

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听说这周出,所以一直刷,地里,gradcafe上,就是没有啊,急啊,慌啊... 所以等自己有结果,一定上来share,这也是7神一直教导我们的,曾经的土木版主,谢谢他!

异国这一年,就是一本辛酸血泪史,走之前,好多人告诉我,you should drop 我说why? tell me why? 他们说你们走到最后的,就算勉强没有时差,异地仍然避免不了。。。 那时那刻,2014年 8月12号, 我想 The game is beginning.
所有这一切,只想tell you 比起昨日的跌宕起伏,凶涛骇浪,今日的那份重逢显得如此波浪不惊,风平浪静。 You should have a dream, try it again and again. no matter how, no matter what, you must hold on and keep up.

彼此的牺牲,无法计数,难以名状,但功成名就 or 身败名裂,其实一念之间,一念之差,痛或者不痛,定格这一瞬之间。 The game is just coming.

House of Card tell us, Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith. What is faith? If it doesn't endure when we are tested the most? This year lets us to have a faith. It's the faith that supports us to create a legend. We are on the way...

最后祝地里2015 fall 的同志们,都有好的结果,坚定信念,走到最后。 Bless all of you, good luck.