Ph.D. positions with full financial support (GRA)

一亩三分地的同学们大家好,楼主目前在UAHuntsville CS读博士,在这里帮我们系的彭老师发个招生的帖子:招Research Assistants,彭老师刚刚拿到NSF的funding,如果有感兴趣的亲,请联系彭老师。

楼主在UAHuntsville读了四年多博士,系里面氛围很好,Huntsville这个城市也很不错(气候宜人),有NASA的研发中心还有各种High-tech公司,距离亚特兰大和纳什维尔都仅有3个小时的车程 。大家有问题可以给我留言,我很愿意帮助大家回答问题。


Ph.D. positions with full financial support (GRA) are available for self-motivated hardworking students in Computer Science department at University of Alabama in Huntsville (阿拉巴马汉茨维尔大学), starting from Fall 2015.

Students are expected to work on research projects related to GPU computing, computer graphics, large data visualization, game development and/or geometry processing.

If you are interested, feel free to contact Dr. Chao Peng at, attaching your CV, TOEFL, GRE and a brief description of your qualification for the position. More information of Dr. Peng's group can be found at visit

Fall admission at UAH ends on April 1. If you have interests on the position, please complete your application as soon as you can.
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