收到穷逼PSU的ad,nothing about funding

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网站上说这么一句话:As stated in the instructions for admission, Penn State has a two-step Graduate Admission process. You now need to accept or decline the graduate program offer. If you accept this offer, the Graduate School will complete the review of your application and be communicating with you in the near future.

很好奇这个two-step 是什么。鉴于他家这几年很穷,怕是先让录取者accept ad被套进去之后再跟你说钱,这样的话就不能等其他学校了。求解答。

补充内容 (2015-3-17 09:21):
问了graduate coordinator得到如下答复:Funding decisions are competitive and will take place on a rolling basis over the coming weeks. We have over 600 graduate applicants for Fall 2015.

补充内容 (2015-3-19 03:56):
收到小米发的admission letter. Admission is granted without financial aid. You must be cautioned to not expect to find support once on campus. 流氓校,不给钱就不要录取噻,还想赚点钱。