3 rej from UMN

看见大神们被拒,我就知道逃不过了,这是我最早申请的学校,昨天进入final review知道不远了拒信。。。报个rej攒攒人品吧,不过拒信很委婉。。网申status查到,没有email

The faculty in the Mechanical Engineering M S M E program, have completed a review of your application for admission to graduate study at the University of Minnesota.

We have carefully considered all of your application materials, and unfortunately your admission has not been approved. There were a great many excellent applications, and therefore the final decision was very difficult.

If you have any questions concerning this decision, please contact directly the major program to which you applied for admission.

I sincerely regret that we are unable to approve your admission, and hope that our decision will not discourage you from pursuing further academic education or professional development. Please accept our best wishes for success in your future endeavors.