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Virginia: We still have proposals we are waiting on. Without knowing if they will be funded, we cannot make other offers at this time. Feel free to email faculty that you may be interested in and let them know you are on the waitlist. Currently, Professor Burns and Agnew are the only ones I am aware of having potential needs. Feel free to look through their research here virginia.edu and here virginia.edu and contact them if you are interested in their work and have expertise in their areas. We still have other faculty who are waiting to hear about proposals, so if they are not a good fit, it is ok. You can learn more about the breadth of our research herevirginia.edu If you have good offers from other universities that you like, you may want to consider those. (收到这个邮件10小时后,院方就给我发正式rej了。。建议没拿到virginia结果的同学现在还可以联系文中提到的两个老师套磁

CSM: Final decisions for Materials Science have not been submitted to me. I hope to have those in the next few weeks. Faculty are still waiting on response from the first round of applicants. You have great credentials, but I can tell you that no one has expressed an interest in your application, so at this point it would be advisable for you to pursue another opportunity. ("You have great credentials, but I can tell you that no one has expressed an interest in your application",这话大概可以理解成该校套磁很重要,哪个老师要了你,你就录了。。所以,以后申该校的同学,套磁吧)

Michigan:Your application has been reviewed, and at this time, most of our admission decisions have been made. If you have not heard from us via e-mail with a decision, it means that it is unlikely that you will receive an admission offer from us. While we don't have a ranked waiting list, we do hold your application in our pool in the event that more admission decisions might be made. We will notify you of a final decision via e-mail once all decisions have been made, usually this is toward the end of April.

Columbia:Unfortunately, at this time, it is unlikely that we will make additional offers to the doctoral program in materials science.
