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楼主在网上查case status3月18号case received,一直到现在都还是这个状态.昨天打电话申请了OPT加急,今天收到这封邮件:

Based upon the information you provided, a determination was made that additional information is needed. As a student, you may be eligible based on a specific job offer, directly based on studies, which will be revoked if the Employment Authorization Document is not received.

If you wish to be reconsidered for expedite processing please submit a detailed explanation of the situation in a one-page letter. A letter on company letter head that is signed by a company officer must accompany your request outlining a job offer and a description of the position. You may also submit any other information which you would like us to consider regarding your situation.

请教各位大侠,"A letter on company letter head that is signed by a company officer must accompany your request outlining a job offer and a description of the position."就是指offer letter的意思吗?另外我想在申请信里填写的是,如果ead卡不能很快收到,可能会错过学习的orientation和课程.因为这个原因可能会放弃offer,导致severe personal loss.大家看看这样可以吗?有没有什么需要注意的地方?
