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1. 一定要上课
2. 一定要跟律师和公司沟通好
3. 一定要确定学校有发CPT的资格
4. 避免多次转学
5. Take risk….

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[/align][align="left"]不过在小明的允许之下,小纽把移民局RFE信件为大家做一个解读,来看看移民局的叔叔阿姨审案子的时候究竟是多么的“细致”。钻空子打擦边球,真的要不得啊。[/align][align="left"]为保护小明的隐私,信件内容小纽用【满级的打码技术】处理以后放在文末,喜欢钻研的小伙伴可以仔细阅读。懒得自己读的同学们接着往下看。[/align]移民局的信件内容属于总分格式,开头一句话点出主旨:You did not submit sufficient evidence to establish that the beneficiary was maintaining a valid F-1 nonimmigrant status at the time of filing. Therefore, additional evidence is needed.紧接着移民官分了三大论点,对小明的挂靠情况围追堵截,丝毫不留活路。

1. Maintenance of Status- Full Course of Study:你到底有没有上课?[align="left"]移民官表示,虽然你交了A B C D四个学校的I-20,但是你在B和C两个学校的记录有纯挂靠的嫌疑,我怀疑你并没有真正上课,却同时使用CPT在工作,这样并不符合全职F-1学生身份的要求。你可以补交以下材料证明你确实在学校上课了:[/align][align="left"]; I-20[/align][align="left"]; 成绩单[/align][align="left"]; 结业证书或毕业证[/align][align="left"]; 学费缴费单[/align][align="left"]; 在校期间购买课本、停车证等收据[/align][align="left"]; 学生证[/align][align="left"]; 课程大纲[/align][align="left"]; 证明学生确实到校上课的证据,例如交通票收据、火车票确认信、出勤记录等[/align][align="left"]; 在校期间确实住在美国的证据,如租约、水电账单[/align][align="left"]; 若有在线课程,则需提供详细资料


2. Maintenance of Status-Curricular Practical Training: 你为什么要用CPT工作?[align="left"]打击完了到校上课的真实性,移民官转手开始攻击使用CPT工作的必要性。信中大意表示,你的记录显示,C大学给你开了一个2014年6月至12月的CPT,既然你使用了CPT,请提供下列材料证明你确实需要CPT工作:[/align][align="left"]; 涉及并需要CPT工作的课程名称和代码[/align][align="left"]; 说明小明入学即需要开始使用CPT工作的文件证明[/align][align="left"]; 说明小明所学专业与CPT工作均为该项目的要求的证明[/align][align="left"]; 小明雇主提供的在职信,说明工作职责、工资、雇佣时间[/align][align="left"]; 小明雇主与C大学之间有关CPT的书面文件[/align][align="left"]; 详细说明小明如何找到雇主并开始使用CPT工作[/align][align="left"]; 说明CPT工作与小明的专业直接相关的文件


3. Maintenance of Status – Misclassification:你的学校没资格给你发I-20[align="left"]大招一般都放在最后使,就像斗地主,王炸一般不会上来就用。移民官说,我查了记录,B大学根本没资格给你发放I-20,小明你学的专业属于职业技术类的项目,按规定只能给你发放M-1类签证的证明材料。[/align]要是说前两条移民官还给小明留了条活路,第三条大招一放出来,直接是说小明在B大学的经历全部都是造假啊。这回连可以补充的材料清单都省略了,移民官直接甩出一句话:Please provide documentary evidence to establish that the beneficiary has, and continues to maintain, valid F-1 status.简单说就是,你自己声称一直是F-1学生身份,但是出现造假,你自己看着圆吧。你以为这就完了?No!更惨的还在后头。公司收到这封RFE信后,CEO读完一脸无奈,一个电话分机号拨过去:“小明你明天不用来上班了。这个月的工资这两天给你结清。”为何CEO如此绝情?因为,小明这些挂靠的情况公司根本不清楚啊!第二天公司给移民局写信,要求撤回H1B申请,并在信中表示所有的虚假挂靠情况公司均不知情,因此决定放弃申请。唉,长叹一声,大家自己感受一下吧。最后强调一遍:不要找纯挂靠CPT,不要找纯挂靠CPT,你的一时侥幸,影响的很可能是一辈子的方向!

[align="left"]移民局信件如下:[/align]U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has reviewed your petition/application and supporting evidence. You did not submit sufficient evidence to establish that the beneficiary was maintaining a valid F-1 nonimmigrant status at the time of filing. Therefore, additional evidence is needed.
1. Maintenance of Status – Full Course of Study
To demonstrate that the beneficiary was maintaining a full course of study, you submitted copies of SEVIS Certificates of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Status (Form I-20) issued to the beneficiary from A University, B University, C University and D University. However, this evidence does not demonstrate that the beneficiary was engaged in a full course of study while attending B University and C University because it does not establish that the beneficiary was actually attending classes as a full-time F-1 student while engaged in Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
[align="left"]The types of evidence that you may submit include, but are not limited to:[/align][align="left"];Copies of all pages of all SEVIS Certificates of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status (Forms I-20) issued to the beneficiary from B University;[/align][align="left"];Official copies of the beneficiary’s transcripts issued by B University;[/align][align="left"];Copies of degrees and/or certificated issued to the beneficiary showing course completions;[/align][align="left"];Receipts for tuition payments made by the beneficiary to B University;[/align][align="left"]; Receipts for books, parking passes, and school supplies, for the period of time that the beneficiary was a student at B University;[/align][align="left"];The beneficiary’s student ID for B University;[/align][align="left"];The beneficiary’s course syllabi or outlines for his or her program at B University;[/align][align="left"];Documentary evidence to show that the beneficiary was physically attending the courses in which he or she was enrolled, including transportation receipts, confirmed transportation reservations, attendance records, etc.;[/align][align="left"];Evidence of the beneficiary’s U.S. residence (utility bills, rental contracts, or receipts, etc.);[/align][align="left"];Evidence showing the number of online or distance education class credits the beneficiary was/is enrolled in for each session, term, semester, trimester, or quarter of study, for the duration of the time he or she was a student at B University;[/align][align="left"];Evidence to show the beneficiary is or was making progress toward completion of a program of study;[/align];Any other documentary evidence to establish the beneficiary has been engaged in a full course of study and working towards program completion.

[align="left"]2. Maintenance of Status – Curricular Practical Training[/align]
[align="left"]The record indicates that the beneficiary was authorized CPT while attending the B University from June X, 2014 to December X, 2014. Since the evidence of record indicates that the beneficiary is or was participating in CPT, provide the following:[/align][align="left"];The name of the course and course code in which the beneficiary is or was enrolled that requires CPT;[/align][align="left"];Documentary evidence that immediate participation in CPT was required for the beneficiary’s studies;
;Documentary evidence establishing both the beneficiary’s current major and that CPT is/was an integral (essential) part of the beneficiary’s degree program at B University;[/align][align="left"];A letter from the beneficiary’s CPT employer(s), explaining the beneficiary’s job duties, pay, and period of employment;[/align][align="left"];Evidence of the cooperative agreement(s) between your company and B University;[/align][align="left"];A detailed statement explaining how the beneficiary obtained CPT employment with your company; whether individually, through the school, or through an outside company or consultancy;[/align];Evidence that the beneficiary’s CPT is or was directly related to his or her major area of study.
3.Maintenance of Status – Misclassification
[align="left"]Evidence in the record shows that the beneficiary attended C University as an F-1 nonimmigrant studying XX major. It appears that XX major is a vocational, technical, or non-academic program.[/align][align="left"]According to Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s Student and Exchange Visitor Program, C University is authorized to issue certificates of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status (Form I-20 A-B) for F-1 classification only to students who will engage in the school’s Language Training programs. Although the school may be authorized to accept foreign students in vocational, technical, or non-academic education programs, student enrolled in these programs would be issued a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (M-1) Student Status-For Vocational Students (Form M-N).[/align]Please provide documentary evidence to establish that the beneficiary has, and continues to maintain, valid F-1 Status.
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