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今天约的下午2点45。2点左右到了美领馆,发现门口居然没人排队,我就跑去问,2:45的现在可以进不? 就让我进去了

然后常规的安检,预审护照和I-20的时候,我一到那个窗口,就卧槽了一句。。。里面的那个人不是原来我同事么。。。。补充一句 我之前在美国的企业工作。。

然后就排队。。 快到我的时候,前面一家11个人一起面签。。把我震撼了。。。然后我就分到一个华裔面孔的女VO。。我一看是女的就觉得要遭。。。


我:good afternoon, i am here for my F-1 student visa. (同时递护照和I-20)
vo: good afternoon. why you choose XXX university?
me: because of the very good academic reputation. it ranked xxxx in US news this year and it's in a very quiet city which i think is very helpful for me to focus on study.
vo: do you apply other schools?
me: yes.
vo: please name some schools.
me: xxx, xxx, xxx
vo: then why you choose xxx school?
me: some of the schools turn me down and i like xxx.
vo: who will pay your tuition?
me: myself.
vo: so you xxxxxxxx (没听清楚)
me: yeah...
vo: what's your dream job?
me: i used to work as a software engineer and i still want to be an engineer.
vo: so you used to work for SYMANTEC?
me: yes.
vo: what's your title?
me: first as a SQA engineer and then i was promoted to program manager and sr program manager.
vo: can i have your resume?
me: yeah, here you go.
vo: so you work for a security project in symantec, tell me about it.
me: it's just an APP for mobile phones. anti-theft, for example, if your phone is stolen, it can tell your the location of your phone...
最后把我简历和护照收了。。 我前面的小弟弟小妹妹些 基本就是秒过啊。。 我起码被问了10-15分钟。。完全不知道为什么。。

估计是被check无误了吧, 另问一下,被check了是不是护照只有一年啊? 要是我一年完了不回国,后面回国会不会有啥问题啊?
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