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趁着记忆还清晰记录下来。北京安家楼,6号白人大叔,非常和蔼。(以下V-VO I-myself)
I:Good morning, sir. Nice to meet you.
V: Good morning. Your passport and I20 please?
V: Oh, which university you are gonna to study?
I : University at Buffalo.
V: Which program?
I: Computer Science.
V: Your research advisor's resume please.
I: My program is course-based so I have no specified advisor.
V: Your study plan please?
(递上study plan & resume, 因为经常用到gmail,所以在Email一栏填了gmail的address,没想到成了老鼠屎了。)
V: Oh, you are interested in XXX analysis?
I: Sorry?
V: big data analysis.
I: Yeah.
V: Oh, you use gmail? How can you use it in China?
I: {:7_208:} can always use it through some sorts of approach...
V: So you use Gmail for what purpose?
I: I use gmail to keep in touch with my oversea friends.
V:Your DS160 please.
V: 你觉得Gmail在中国被封锁的原因是什么?(大体是这个意思,原话记不清了)
I: (不知如何应付)Well...many factors matters. The most important reason, censorship?
V: {:7_200:}you think that make sense?
I: Well...a little bit.
V: You know using Gmail in China through VPN is taken as illegal. We need to further review your files.(递小黄条)
I: {:7_192:}Ok, thank you, have a nice day.
V: You too.
最后收走了护照、study plan、resume还有DS160表。一颗老鼠屎坏了一锅汤的节奏……也请后面去签证的人注意一下这个细节:在申请签证的时候邮箱尽量写在国内可使用的邮箱,Gmail什么的被和谐的就不要写上去了,避免不必要的麻烦……