6月2号,梅龙镇,至今no update,三封邮件终于不是模板回了,然并卵……

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6🈷️2号上海梅龙镇签证,说好的3~4周,至今no update,给使馆发了三封邮件,前两封都是模板回,连个单词都没改,第三次终于不是模板回,然并卵……

Dear xxx,
Thank you for writing to the US Visa Service Desk.
As per the application guidelines, all applicants are requested to apply timely in order to obtain their visa prior to their departure date.
It is up to the US Visa Consular Officer who reviewed your application to decide whether or not there is any need to speed up the process as per your departure date.
It's not advised to make firm travel plans (purchasing tickets, paying for hotel accommodation, etc.) until you will receive your passport with visa after adjudication in the Embassy.
You will be informed when your passport is ready for pickup by our service.


之前签过B, J全部被check,且楼主是生化专业……