F1 Renewal Beijing check 27 Days, MS EE

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Review date: July 16, 2015
Location: Beijing An Jia Lou
Type: F1 Renewal
Major: Electrical Engineering
Degree: Master of Science

在美国完成的本科,以前仅第一次签证面签,后续的使用递签。这次是研究生换了学校,必须面签,然而我有点大意,感觉我这种得秒过,所以材料没备齐,我准备的材料都没看,没准备的都要看。然后收到221g要求Email材料,私以为我这种不应算是狭义上的check which means 材料齐全但是还得等。广义上的check就是指收到221g的吧,我自己定义的,看看就行。

当天签证,我勒个去,people montain people ocean,我第一次面签那这么多人,直接吓尿了。大使馆的入口也变了,签证程序也变了。我的流程是:先到一号窗一个华裔lady那个领个牌子,然后到另一个窗口 美国白男人 录指纹,最后又到另一窗口 白人女 面签,然后。。。要我啥材料我没啥材料,我直接就慌了,跟她讲话都虚,我心想我tm这就要遇到传说中的check吗?然后拿到221g了,要求补三个文件 个人resume,导师CV,studyplan。拿着221g回到宾馆,当即搞定这些材料,于中午退房前 Email 这些材料到指定邮箱 which is on 221g form.


我的case creation date是 July 15, 2015,这应该是美国东部时间,我面签日期可是北京时间 July 16 moring.
首次update date是July 16, 2015, 应该是我在北京时间16号中午前aka EST 15 深夜 发了邮件之后,下午update,此时是EST的16号凌晨。
再次update date是July 11, 2015,当时为下午,我上午查还是AP。然后12号上午issued.
签证官按照北京时间上班审理,但是按照EST写update date.

在check 10工作日后,我的护照,注意是护照状态,不是签证状态。就查不到了

然后Aug 3,憋不住了,发邮件问
1point3acres.com 人工模板回复,说接着等
1point3acres.com 自动回复,说别问我,问我我也不说

[align="left"]Dear Applicant,[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Your case is still under administrative processing. We apologize for the length of time the administrative processing has taken in your case. At the time of interview, applicants are told the normal wait time to expect for their visa to be ready after administrative processing. Please bear in mind that while most cases are processed within a few weeks, the process can be longer in some instances. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact timeframe for how long the processing will take. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]We will keep you updated on the status of your case and let you know as soon as the processing is complete. We appreciate your continued patience. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Consular Information Unit[/align][align="left"]U.S Embassy Beijing[/align][align="left"]No. 55 An Jia Lou Road, Chaoyang District[/align][align="left"]1point3acres.com[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]SY[/align]

Aug 7,第二轮邮件
1point3acres.com 与上一次不一样的人工模板回复
以下为内容 注意内容很不一样。注意第二段 4-5 weeks,这个有的人是5-6?还有6-7的吧,应该是case by case。我的visa是在check后的27天,4周吧,issued的。还有末尾的署名GXL,不再是SY。

[align="left"]According to our records, you applied here for a visa on July 16th. In this case, your background, purpose of travel, or other circumstances regarding your application mandated additional processing. The criteria and procedure for such cases is the same worldwide; the Embassy does not have the discretion to exempt individual applicants.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]The vast majority of applicants whose cases are submitted for additional processing receive visas within 4-5 weeks. But it may vary from individual to individual. At the time of interview, applicants are told the normal wait time to expect for their visa to be ready after administrative processing. Please bear in mind that while most cases are processed within a few weeks, the process can be longer in some instances. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an exact timeframe for how long the processing will take. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]We understand this timeline does not meet your requirements, but unfortunately the speed of this worldwide process is beyond the control of the Embassy. We will notify you as soon as processing is complete and we can conclude your case.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]We hope this information is helpful.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Consular Information Unit[/align][align="left"]Non-immigrant Visa Services[/align][align="left"]US Embassy[/align][align="left"]Beijing[/align][align="left"]Tel: 85313000[/align][align="left"]GXL[/align]

做个总结,check未满三周,可以接着等,发邮件试下也无妨。满了三周发邮件问,应该就可以告诉一个时间段,比如我的是4-5 weeks

July 1, 2015回国,July 16 才去签证,早点签,就算四周也赶得上原本Aug 12的飞机。

