[招生] 2016 春季 PhD 招生 Computer Science @ Florida State University

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Multiple PhD positions with full financial support are available at the Department of Computer Science, Florida State University, staring from Spring 2016. The students are expected to work in the areas of mobile computing and cyber security, with an emphasis on wireless security, mobile sensing, smartphone applications and security, vehicular applications and wireless localization.

An ideal candidate should be highly self-motivated in pursuing a research-oriented career. Previous research experience on wireless network/security, wireless localization, or context aware sensing (such as smartphone and WiFi sensing) is a big plus. Students with background of wireless communication, signal processing, image/acoustic signal processing are encourage to apply.

Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Yang at 1point3acres.com, and send in your CV, transcripts, TOEFL and GRE scores, and anything you believe will help your application. Note that the GRE is required.

Please feel free to pass the ph.d opening information to anyone (such as your friends and classmates) who may be interested in.

佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)创校于 1851 年,有5 位诺贝尔奖获得者及8 名美国科学院院士。<美国新闻与世界报道>评为一级国家级大学,全美学术排名(Academic Reputation Ranking)第76。《福布斯》杂志:在美国公立大学中排名第30名,在美国全部大学中排名第76名。2010年上海交通大学世界大学学术排名第156名.
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