MSBIC@CMU 2015 Fall 介绍

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1. 生物课。看课表,右侧的图片。红色的是必修课。所以2年只有一门bio的课

2. 转专业。director最新的邮件说只要cs、se、bio的

3. 贴一个director最新的邮件

We are opening the website for admission for next Fall, if your friends want to apply to the MSBIC tell them to start early.
Last year we had to close our admission early in January when the number reach the quota set by the school.

Note new qualifications standard: Admitted students will have degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Bioinformatics with good English competency. (TOEFL score of at least 100 or higher or an IELTS score of at least 7.5.) The program has a minimum GRE requirement (Verbal . 160, Quant - 165). However, academic performance is the strongest predictor of success in the degree program. We prefer applicants to have minimum GPA of 3.4 or higher.

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