UIUC 2016SPring求组织(CEE)放一个比较全的个人信息定位求人品

uiuc2016春求个组织,放了一些个人背景定位,具体的CV PS 和推荐信 格式 若有地里的同学需要 留个言 我发给大家,祝大家拿到理想的录取。
Conference 4;
Journals 2;
Patents 3;
Selected Research Experience:
1. Undergraduate Degree Thesis: Comparison Research of Groundwater Quality Evaluation Method of Fuzzy Mathematics and Neural Network
2.CVM Method Applied to Estimate the City Residents' Willingness-To-Pay (WTP) for Different Grade Low Carbon Home Appliance
3.Effects of Freeze-thaw Cycles on the Release of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Various Depth of Soil
4. A New Type of Window Membrane with Photochromic Material
5.A Case Study of Enterprise Cleaner Production Audit of Urban Garbage Disposal