How to write a great statement of purpose

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Checklist for Writing a Statement of Purpose
Vince Gotera | University of Northern Iowa

[  ]  Organization ... 
[  ]  A "hook" that demonstrates your passion for the field 
[  ]  Segué to your background in the field 
[  ]  Description of your academic background in the field 
[  ]  Specific classes you have taken, given by name
[  ]  Specific professors you have had, especially if well-known in that field 
[  ]  Extracurricular activities in the field 
[  ]  Publications or other professional accomplishments in the field (perhaps conference presentations or public readings) 
[  ]  Explanations about problems in background (if needed) 
[  ]  Explanation of why you have chosen the specific grad school 
[  ]  Mention one or two professors in that school and what you know of and appreciate about their work 
[  ]  Specific features of the grad program which attract you 
[  ]  Get advice from several of your professors — philosophical advice as well as specific writing advice 
[  ]  Proofread and copyedit; ask friends to proofread and copyedit as well 
[  ]  Keep working on the statement of purpose, even after you have already sent it to school(s) with earlier deadline(s)
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