A friendly reminder to Chinese students who want to comment

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I noticed that in the comment section, a large number of supporting comments by foreign students who
claim that OPT extension helps them obtain H1b visa from lottery system.

It is an extremely BAD argument to use. Relating OPT extension to H1b will only provide valid arguments
by those anti-immigration radicals to further oppose the OPT extension.

OPT is tied to F1 visa which is for non-immigration and it is designed to let students practice skills
learned from school.
H1b is a visa that can be used for immigration purpose.

If you say OPT extension helps you get an immigration visa like H1b, it means the fundamental
motivation for OPT program is flawed and it will help the arguments of anti-immigration radicals who want to end the OPT program(not just the extension but the whole).

The better comments should consist of your personal stories about how OPT helps you practice your
skills/knowledge learned from US universities and how OPT helps you become a good professional in