Power专业-全奖MS&PHD @ The University of Alabama in Huntsville

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The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH)的Ravi Gorur教授,之前在Arizona State Univesity,今年秋季跳槽到UAH担任ECE Department Chair。研究方向为高压绝缘,是IEEE Fellow, 现有全奖MS和PHD职位若干。因为我不常上论坛不一定能及时回复,建议有意者可直接邮件与他联系:1point3acres.com

个人介绍:Ravi S. Gorur (M’86-SM’91-F’98) is a professor in the Electrical engineering Department at Arizona State University (ASU). He has published a textbook on outdoor insulators and coauthored over 150 papers in IEEE Journals and Conferences. He chaired the IEEE Working Groups on Insulator Contamination and Dielectric Ageing. He was the chair of a committee that prepared IEEE standard (P1523) on High Voltage Insulator Coatings. He served as the US representative for CIGRE study Committee D1. He was elected to IEEE fellowship for contribution to aging of polymeric materials used for outdoor HV insulation. In 2015, he became the chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at The University of Alabama in Huntsville.