
[align="left"]This part of the overall application carries an extremely important weight and the ones that are written in a clear and focused manner will be favored. Namely, upon reading it, an evaluator/faculty should get a crisp idea as to:[/align]
  • Why is it that you would like to work in a particular major/specialization/topic and with a particular faculty as your adviser (for MS applicants this could be a project or thesis adviser)?
  • Why is it that a particular faculty should be interested in having you as an advisee?
  • In each case, a successful applicant will provide a good balance between background, vision, and desiderata.
The explosive growth of the Internet and the distributed systems that build upon it are exposing the limits in our understanding of how to build networked systems, what the underlying network looks like, how people interact in these environments, and even the research model we should apply to explore these issues. My work is motivated by these challenges. I am particularly interested in the measurement, analysis and design of Internet-scale. Much of my work focuses on improving the visibility of measurement of networked systems and leveraging this visibility to characterize distributed systems, networks and their interactions, and design new and improved systems based on the gained insight.


[align="left"]Choosing to continue graduatestudy in xx(选的项目方向) is not an easy decision for me, especiallyconsidering that I have been working in IT industry for five years. In theinitial stage of my career development when I worked as a software developmentengineer and a quality assurance engineer, there were rarely much technicaldifficulties that were too difficult to overcome. However, after I was promotedto be a product manager of distributed systems two years ago, I had more jobresponsibilities and began to consistently encounter technical challenges likesuccessfully designing networked systems with users’ requirements which beyondthe scope of my professional expertise. Upon thorough consideration, I decidethat it is time for me to take a break from work, go to graduate school torefresh myself with advanced and systematic learning in my professional fieldand to do some deep research on topics that are relevant to my career. Ibelieve this graduate study experience will be invaluable to my future careerdevelopment.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]My keen interests in designingnetworked systems is not fully developed until I became a product manager ofE-commerce systems which are distributed cluster-based with high performance. Ihave to lead software development projects from concept through requirementsanalysis, user survey, data analysis, interaction design and performanceevaluation. And I am fascinated with improving the performance of systems bystudying user behaviors. Our systems’ capacity had increased more than fortypercent after applying theories about user habits on the Internet to ourwebsites which triggered my passion to do more research on user behaviorpatterns for improving user conversion rate. I found that people in differentages and profession have totally different shopping behaviors on the Internet andwe should design our systems based on our main users’ usage patterns andhabits. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Although I had accumulatedquite a bit system designing experience, my expertise in user behavior patternsand how to connect these patterns with specific systems for providing betteruser service is not enough to support my further step in my career. Due tothis, I sometime had difficulties in making informed decisions in our systemsdesign. For instance, at the beginning of this year, my team designed a recommendation system based on different kinds of users and usingenvironment for improving user conversion rate. But the result was far lessthan our expectation since we lacked enough efficient researches on userbehavior. With twoyears’ product manager experience, I realized that understanding user behavioris vital in systems design. So I hope that I can return to academia to study and do system research on the interaction between userbehavior and commercial products. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]My career goal is to fullyunderstand people’s requirements in distributed systems and networks and designeffective networked systems which can make people’s life more convenient. Iwant to continue my studies at Northwestern because it has a fascinating lab, xx(实验室名称),which focusing on xx(实验室研究方向) and with professorxx(联系过的教授) whom I have already contacted with and I am extremelyinterested in his research areas. I strongly believe your program vision andmission lines up very well with my professional ambitions and careerdevelopment goals. I am absolutely willing to join your program to embark onthe next chapter of my life. [/align]
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