托福111经验分享 特别是28的写作和30分听力

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面试之后特别方 所以给自己找点事做 把二战托福111(30+30+S:23+W:28)的经验拿出来 仅供参考


还是那句话,积累胜过一切技巧。当我真的能听懂全文讲的是什么时,那些蒙啊猜的方法真的就没什么用了。同样的,对于准备时间比较长的筒子,开始锻炼自己的耳朵吧。我曾经试过SSS(Sixty Second Science),新概念英语等听力材料,每天在固定的时间(比如吃早饭时,锻炼时等,选择一些放听力不影响自己活动的场合)收听这些材料,不需要全神贯注地听,只是把它当做背景音乐一样播放着,时间久了你信不信有些段落你忽然就可以背出来(这样就对写作也有帮助了不是)。这样日积月累后,你的耳朵会对英语的发音和表达非常熟悉,从而加快考试中的反射弧。对于准备时间比较短的筒子,推荐使用1.2到1.5倍速精听TPO(听力原速很难听懂的同学慎用,可能有不良后果),从1.2开始(基础比较薄弱的同学适量减速,推荐不要使用原速,因为要保持对听力中飞快语速的适应),一句一句话的放,不理解就退回来重听,也可以适量做听写(注意适量,听写还是很费时间的),慢慢地你就会适应这样的语速觉得正常了。在你觉得可以跟上这样语速的听力时,提速!然后重新经历听不懂,听懂一些,慢慢听懂,最终习惯的过程。最着迷的时候我把语速增加到1.6倍,真是叽里呱啦一片,但是真的可以强行听出来里面在说什么,因为经过较高语速的训练后,对于单词发音的条件反射会加强。这个时候回头用原速做一套TPO吧,其中的酸爽真的是只有自己能体会,每一个词都听的无比清晰。基础不太好的同学也建议训练到1.2倍。


[align="left"]The lecture oppose the reading's opinion that(此处是阅读文章观点)[/align][align="left"]zebra mussel would severly threat the freshwater fish populations in North Ameria, contending that the arguments in the reading passage are not convincing. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Initially, while the reading stated that(此处是阅读文章第一段观点)[/align][align="left"]according to zebra mussel's history, their spread could not be stopped, the professor held an opposite opinion. He(注意听力中是男是女) claimed that(此处是听力第一个论点) in the past people could not stop mussel from spreading because they lack of knowledge. Nevertheless, now people could pour out the freshwater in the ballast water and refill with ocean water, which would kill mussel. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]In addition, the professor casted doubt on the reading's assumption that(此处是阅读文章第二段观点) mussels would dominate any new habitat, arguing that(此处是听力第二个论点) they could only occupy the place at beginning. It would not take a long time before some kinds of birds realize that mussels are new available food. Since a bird could eat a lot of mussels, they would not dominate the habitat. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Moreover, the reading maintained that(此处是阅读文章第三段观点) zebra mussels would give rise to a decline in the overall fish population, which is contradictory to what the professor said. Even if mussels could become dominant, he argued(此处用了插入语,前后都是听力第三个论点), the overall population would increase, as the existence of mussels would benefits other kinds of fish. For example, their waste could provide nutrient to bottom-feed fish, whose population would therefore grow. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]从诡异的配色中可以看出,紫色部分基本固定,四种表示听力反对阅读的表达方法可以随意搭配。每段开头的in addition,moreover可以用furthermore等自行替代。阅读部分与听力部分的比例大概是1:2到1:3,取决于听力能记录下多少来。全文219字,基本在给定字数范围内表现了自己对听力观点和细节的理解,考试的时候写过230+字,仍然拿到good,但是毕竟给出225字上限,建议如果超出太多应该对文章进行简化。[/align][align="left"]


[align="left"](第一句引入话题)Nowadays all kinds of questions concerning education and what teachers are supposed to tell students have aroused drastic discussion among the public. Some people reckon that(给出观点)teachers should not reveal their social or political views to students. To a large extent, I approve of this claim, holding that(自己观点) students are supposed to develop their own views after they have observes related social or political events by themselves. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Initially, I have to admit that(让步理由,一句话解释) students should be given the chance to get access to the society and latest political events. By doing this, they would get to know what is happening outside school, which would develop their sense of social responsibility and enable them to have a more in-depth understanding about the world they are living in. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Nevertheless,(理由一) what students need are objective and unbiased desciption, rather than teachers' personal views.(一句话解释) Since students are immature and could not fully understand the complexity of politics, what teachers have said might impose preconception on them, which might interfere their own judgement. (怎么详细怎么写的例子)To be concrete, there is a news saying that a man inaccidentally shot his girlfriend, and a teacher might indignantly claim that this man should be sentenced to death anyway, saying that whoever kills other people should be executed. And this statement would inevitably influence students' mind. Possibility is high that when they hear another news concerning accident in which someone dies, they would incline to give the one who should be responsible for the accident more severe punishment. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Moreover,(理由二)schools are not the appropriate places for students to learn about contemporary social events. (一句话解释)Beside courses concerning politics, in most courses students are supposed to gain knowledge from other fields, and thus teachers talking about their social views would take up time and distract students from their academic study. (怎么详细怎么写的例子)To be specific, imagine a teacher talking about his political view for ten minutes before he start teaching, then one fourth of a 45-minute class would be wasted. Besides, since students are rather young and easy to be distracted, they might still be thinking about the social event the teacher has just talked about when he is already teaching academic knowledge. Even for university students who could control their mind rather efficiently and would not distract, their time is still wasted when the teacher is talking about his political view, which has nothing to do with the course. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]To sum up,(总结陈词的时间到了) teachers ought to keep their views concerning society or politics to themselves, so that they would not intentionally or unconsciously impose their ideas on students.[/align][align="left"]
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