Admission Interview for UC Berkeley's MEng Program

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上周完成的Skype面试,目前尚未出结果。面试准备时间不足20h,当时在网上找经验贴的时候发现资源实在过于匮乏,希望该帖能对接下来的面试者提供一定的经验和帮助。初步估计是因为MEng的面试者甚少。在伯克利的haas school看到官方发出来的消息,商学院的获得面试机会的申请者在25%-30%,但工科院的比例肯定要更少。由于我的权限问题无法发送链接,大家可以搜索haas school的官方指导,同时也适用于普遍的面试。

收到Request的时候,面试官提供了自己的Linkedln. 面试官文商科出身,但有丰富的面试招生经验,我当时预测不会问专业的技术性问题,且会在职业规划上多做考察。
1,为何申请MEng Program?
2,如何处理team work中的conflict?
3,一次presentation experience.

2,面试前穿着正式,提前测试网络和通话质量。针对Skype,Harvard Law School有以下建议:
Prior to the interview, set up an account with a professional username and appropriate profile picture. Be sure to dress professionally and arrange to hold the interview in a neat, clutter-free area with minimal background noise and sufficient lighting. Test your equipment beforehand to make sure it is working. Make sure your interview location has a reliable internet connection in advance. Keep in mind that the employer will be able to observe your actions, so stay alert and focused throughout the interview.
5,面试完的24h内发送Thanks Letter以 follow up. 以下为Harvard Law School的指导和模板:
Your thank you note should touch upon the following points:

Show appreciation for the interviewer’s time
Reference key parts your conversation
Reiterate interest in the organization/position
Additionally, your thank you note should invite requests for additional information and provide grounds for follow-up. The thank you note below is intended to serve as an example.

Dear Ms. Smith,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss my strong interest in the internship at the Housing Rights Center. I enjoyed learning about the organization’s recent efforts to protect the housing rights of low-income tenants in Los Angeles. As an L.A. native, I am keenly aware of the challenging circumstances many residents face and admire HRC’s efforts to address the city’s persistent socioeconomic injustice. Our conversation yesterday further strengthened my interest in working for HRC this summer. Please let me know if I can provide you with additional information. Thank you again for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

John Harvard

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