USC Summer Offer是什么鬼

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[align="left"]今天早上收到usc的summer offer, 里面说推荐你summer term入学,但是要7.5入学。。(可能是申请的时候脑抽,summer term可以入学打了勾。。)
感觉就像广告啊。。但是后面又说这是unofficial admission 这是什么鬼?要理他嘛?这会影响fall term入学吗?这样usc会不考虑我fall入学嘛?[/align][align="left"]邮件部分内容如下:[/align][align="left"]Congratulations! The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is pleased to recommend you for admission to the CSCI MS program for the Summer 2016 term. You are receiving this recommendation because on your fall 2016 term application you indicated an interest in starting your MS degree early in the summer term.[/align][align="left"]This summer, the Viterbi School of Engineering will host a Summer M.S. Early Start program for a select group of high-achieving Electrical Engineering and Computer Science students. As part of the Early Start program, you will have an opportunity to join USC early and start taking classes in July 5, 2016. Participants recommended for admission to Summer Early Start Program will enroll in one course required for the MS degree.[/align][align="left"]This email serves as your “unofficial admission” to the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. Official notification of admission will be sent by the university Office of Admission within 24-48 hours. Once you receive official notification, log on to[/align]
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