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楼主现在在美国交换 签证官非常痛快的给签了五年 之后继续研究生 于是问了这边学校extension的immigration office和学校的internation office如果第一个项目的结束日期和第二个项目的开始日期在五个月以内,可以transfer SEVIS record, 不用再办签证
otherwise, 再签证

楼主好开心啊因为听说博士必被check check之后只给一年 然后每次回国都要再签证还可能再被check 这样的话最后一年不回国就好了!

为了防止我理解错误 贴原文:

immigration office:

I can tell you that transfer rules require you to begin your studies at your new school no later than 5 months after you finish your studies here.

if you can’t meet the 5-month requirement, is to exit the U.S. and reenter as a “new” student instead of a “transfer” student. You could use the same visa you have, however, your new school will need to create a new SEVIS record for you which means you will have a new SEVIS ID number and will have to pay a new $200 SEVIS I-901 fee.

international office:

Thank you for your email. As long as you transfer your SEVIS record from UCSD Extension to the University, you will be allowed to continue to use your F-1 student visa. Your initial entry I-20 school must match your visa, if you transfer your SEVIS number, your records will show that your initial entry was for UCSD Extension.

Leave the country during your 60 day grace period, receive a new SEVIS record from the university and apply for a new visa (if you leave the country for more than 5 months). If you do not leave the country for more than 5 months, you will have a new SEVIS record from the school, and use your old visa to enter the US.

The 5 month rule is not affected by the dates on your I-20. The rule is how long you have physically been out of the USA, the date you left the country and the date you will return. If the time you spent outside of the USA is less than 5 months, and your visa has not expired, you can use the same visa to enter the country again. You only need a new I-20. If you were out of the country more than 5 months, then you will need to apply for a new visa.

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