Cornell ME MEng 给发了个小奖

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一个月前拿到的AD,刚刚邮件通知说“pleased to inform you of your selection as a recipient of the Lester B. Knight Scholarship”。
这个奖学金相当于是 Cornell 对自家 MBA 项目的一个宣传吧,官网介绍说“Lester B. Knight believed that leaders in the engineering profession require a strong foundation in business, and that leaders in business benefit from a strong foundation in engineering. The Lester B. Knight Scholarship is designed to assist and encourage top students to earn M.Eng. and MBA degrees at Cornell.”

奖学金的内容是读 MEng 的时候抵 $ 20,000 学费,然后如果毕业5年内读 Cornell 的 MBA 的话再给 $ 20,000。