rej from material@NW 600人申请只要35!!!神校神比例

[align="left"] 等过了N波海拒,还是没见nw给自己信,知道希望不大了,3.16发邮件催了拒信,小蜜说所有的材料已经审核完毕,会在下一周左右出结果。结果等了20天。。。终于在昨天查看网页的时候发现万年不变的decision has not yet been rendered变成了An admissions decision has been rendered. [/align][align="left"]登录applyyourself后看到了[/align]DECISION STATUS: AVAILABLE BEGINNING 4/6/2016 After consultation with the Materials Science and Engineering: PHD (M25PH) program and after a thorough evaluation of your credentials by The Graduate School, I regret to inform you that you have been denied admission for graduate study at Northwestern University.

Because your interest in the University is deeply appreciated, this decision is not easy to convey. Though your plans cannot be accommodated at Northwestern University, the faculty and administrators of The Graduate School respect your intellectual ambition and wish you success in attaining your goal of advanced study.

[align="left"]过了半天的世界,nw终于来了邮件:[/align][align="left"]We regret to inform you that we will not be able to offer you admission to the PhD program at Northwestern University this year. We received approximately 600 applications. Given our policy of offering full financial support to all admitted students, and our typical class size of ~35, there were many highly qualified applicants who could not be offered admission. (We know that this is little comfort, but it really is true). We genuinely wish you the best of luck in your postgraduate endeavors elsewhere.[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]Given the large numbers cited above, please understand that we are not able to provide feedback as to why a particular applicant was not admitted. Also, please note that Graduate School policy prohibits an individual from applying to more than one program per year, so we are not able to consider you for MS admission this year. [/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]所以phd ms就都悲剧了(>﹏<)[/align][align="left"]不过,看着600多人申请只要35人的比例,心里就踏实多了。陶瓷的话倒是看官网上你建议陶瓷。。。[/align][align="left"]我想西北录的人应该是全方位亮点的申请人,gpa高,gt高,科研牛且对口,牛推,运气。[/align][align="left"]anyway[/align][align="left"]希望能对学弟学妹有点用!祝好运~[/align]