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美国佐治亚州立大学计算机系 ( cs.gsu.edu ) 招收2名博士生。博士生将获得全额奖学金资助。每个博士生可获得每年 $19,000 生活费并免除学费。开始时间为2016年秋季或2017年春季学期。我们实验室在大数据分析,数据挖掘,数据库,数据可视化,机器学习,和生物信息学研究方向上做着前沿的研究工作。希望有计算机,电子,自动化,数学,和其它相关学科背景的同学积极申请。如果感兴趣,请将简历通过电子邮件发送给Prof. Yubao Wu ( 1point3acres.com ). 如果想了解更多的信息,可以访问实验室的主页 ( robwu.net ).

佐治亚州立大学近几年在校长Dr. Mark Becker的带领下正在逐步扩张。计算机系现有16名终身职位的教授。计算机系会在最近两年招聘约7名新教授。计算机系每年有超过2百万美金的科研经费预算。现有6名教授申请到了美国国家科学基金给予的杰出青年基金 ( NSF CAREER Award )。杰出青年基金是对美国大学助理教授的最宝贵的奖励。佐治亚州立大学和佐治亚理工学院相距很近。计算机系的教授和佐治亚理工学院的科研人员也有着密切的合作。佐治亚州立大学坐落在亚特兰大市中心。亚特兰大是美国第9大繁华都市区。佐治亚州立大学的学生在紧张的学习之余可以享受繁华都市的生活。亚特兰大坐落在美国的东南部,靠近度假胜地弗罗里达州,气候宜人,冬季温暖无雪。

大数据相关职位是美国最热门的工作岗位。在工业界,很多高科技公司,如Google, Facebook, Twitter, 和 Amazon, 每年招聘很多处理大数据的员工,待遇都很好。在学术界,来自于医学,生物,商业,生物统计,和传染病学等很多学科的研究者都需要计算机系的教授帮助他们处理和分析专业领域的大量数据。这就是为什么目前很多大学都在招聘大数据相关的助理教授。数据科学作为一门新兴的学科正在逐步崛起。总之,哪里有数据,哪里就需要数据处理和分析的人才。



PhD Openings in CS at Georgia State University

Two openings with full financial support are available for Ph.D. students starting Fall 2016 or Spring 2017. Each PhD student will receive $19,000 stipend per year plus full tuition waiver. Our lab is conducting exciting cutting-edge research in big data analytics, data mining, databases, data visualization, machine learning, and bioinformatics. Degrees from CS, EE, Automation, Math, and other related areas are encouraged to apply. Please email Prof. Yubao Wu ( 1point3acres.com ) with your resume if interested. More information regarding the lab and research can be found at the website ( robwu.net ).

Georgia State University ( GSU ) is experiencing a major expansion. In the CS department, there are sixteen tenure-track faculty members right now. The department will recruit about seven new faculty members in recent years. The department’s annual research budget exceeds two million dollars. Six faculty members have won the prestigious NSF CAREER Awards. GSU is close to Georgia Institute of Technology. There are many great opportunities for us to collaborate with the researchers at Georgia Tech. GSU is located in Downtown Atlanta. Atlanta is the ninth largest metropolitan area in the United States. Students at GSU have a good balance between school and personal life. Atlanta is in the southeast of America and has pleasant climate.

Big data related position is the hottest job in America. High tech companies, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon, recruit lots of big-data related employees. In academia, researchers from diverse disciplines including medicine, biology, business, biostatistics, and epidemiology need to find collaborators from Computer Science to help them process and analyze large volume data. This is the reason why many universities are recruiting big data related faculty members. Data Science is a newly emerging discipline. Where there is data, there is a need for data scientists.

Key words: CS, PhD Openings, GSU, Big Data, Data Mining
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