美国麻省大学波士顿校区 (UMass Boston) 招收全奖博士生

[align="left"]PhD positions in EE/CE, starting from 2016 fall or 2017 spring semesters, are available at the University of Massachusetts Boston, under the supervision of Prof. Honggang Zhang (eng.umb.edu). Accepted students will receive full financial support in the form of Research Assistantship 全额奖学金 from Prof. Zhang, and they will enroll in the PhD program in Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at UMass Boston. [/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]Prof. Zhang’s research is in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT), mobile health, embedded systems, mobile computing, and distributed systems in general. The PhD students are expected to work in the above areas.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]Qualifications: [/align][align="left"]* Applicants usually have a BS or MS degree in any one of the following fields: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Control & Automation, telecommunication, Computer Networking, or other related fields. [/align][align="left"]* Students from other science and engineering fields (such as Applied Math, Physics, Mechanical Engineering, etc) are also encouraged to apply, due to the interdisciplinary nature of Prof. Zhang's research. [/align]
[align="left"]It is expected that applicants should have strong motivation, determination, and interest toward research.[/align][align="left"]
[/align][align="left"]Application Procedure:[/align][align="left"]Interested students please directly send their electronic copies of the following materials to Dr. Zhang via email (1point3acres.com):[/align][align="left"]* Cover letter stating qualifications, relevant experience and research interests.
* Curriculum vitae.
* A copy of transcripts, including undergraduate and graduate (if applicable).
* A copy of TOEFL and GRE score (if applicable).
* Relevant published research materials if available.
[/align][align="left"]Note: University of Massachusetts Boston is a top-tier national research university, and its scenic waterfront campus is located on the Columbia Point peninsula in the City of Boston, next to the John F. Kennedy Library. umb.edu[/align]