OPT Extension期间可以自己创业,开startup吗?

1. 本来公司说好帮我办H1B的,但是一直催到3月份都没有和律师达成一致(小公司,需要临时找移民律师),后来发现被公司耍了,愤然辞职。中间细节也很多,省略。

2. 现在的问题是,我去年7月OPT开始,还有差不多3个月OPT就到期了。我看了最新的OPT Extension政策,貌似想自己创业就涉及到一个employee-employer关系的定义和证明。具体如下:

v. Volunteering and Bona Fide Employer-Employee Relationships
The final rule clarifies issues relating to various types of practical training scenarios andwhether such scenarios qualify an F-1 student for a STEM OPT extension. The rule specificallyclarifies that a student may not receive a STEM OPT extension for a volunteer opportunity. Therule also requires that a student must have a bona fide employer-employee relationship with anemployer to obtain a STEM OPT extension. In response to comments received, DHS clarifiesthat students may be employed by start-up businesses, but all regulatory requirements must bemet and the student may not provide employer attestations on his or her own behalf.
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