Uber中国产品体验组长期内推 - 湾区职位

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招聘职位:除了各种Mobile/Backend/Full Stack/Data Software Engineer, 中国组还另有Engineering Manager, Product Manager, Product Designer, Designer Manager, Data Analyst, Data Scientist, User Researcher等职位,具体详情可以上uber.com网站查询。


The China growth team is obsessed with one question – How do we bring Uber to the largest population market - China? We love metrics and fast paced execution. We build complex and large scale systems, add China specific features, such as Chinese payment methods and China maps and integrate our service into apps of our strategic partners to remove all barriers from getting drivers and riders onto the Uber platform. It is an incredibly unique place to leverage both your cultural background and skills to build innovative and disruptive products in China. Along the way you will learn some of the most interesting techniques around viral loops, funnel design, user engagement, user experience, and diving into usage trends. We're bringing Uber to every major city in China. We need brains and passion to make it happen and to make it happen in style.

总而言之,中国组担负着为Uber在全球增长最快市场提供产品和技术支持的重任。本人所在的Product Experience组主要负责Uber产品在中国的核心用户体验,有众多既有趣又有挑战的项目正在进行中,涉及对iOS和Android移动平台、后台系统、大数据和实时系统、地图服务的开发等等等等,其中不少项目都会涉及Uber最核心的技术如派车算法和动态定价,真的可以学到很多知识哦。其他项目组也根据具体属性分Rider、Driver,Engagement,Partnership等更有针对性的小组。如果版友对具体哪个项目组有兴趣,也请在邮件中注明。

Employees are given Uber credits every month. We offer 401(k) plan, gym reimbursement, nine paid company holidays, full medical/dental/vision package to fit your needs, unlimited vacation policy. Work hard and take time when you need it.

Engineers who have a strong passion for China market. Engineers who feel the most exciting code is the code closest to the business. Engineers who can go deep, but appreciate the challenge of going broad. Uber has a huge stack, and we're all over it: backend services, real-time dispatch, mobile, web development, data and analytics, infrastructure, marketing systems. Advanced knowledge of some and a willingness to learn the rest: Python, Javascript, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Redis, iOS apps, Android apps.Intelligent. Highly adaptable. Rapid learners.=
希望各位多多支持,更期望有志同道合的小伙伴能够加入我们,一起改变世界的出行方式! : )

6/19 更新:公司现在只招聘有工作经验或者已经毕业的new graduate,对还没毕业的new graduate暂时没有开放opening。如果有变动我会及时通知大家。
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