Virginia Tech 3D Printing,Metamaterials and Microsystems openings

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美国弗吉尼亚理工(Virginia Tech)机械工程系招收 3D 制造,微纳米材料及系统,微纳米材料力学,固体力学,有机材料,金属,陶瓷 材料制备及3D printing 方向的博士生, 博士后,访问学者。

Zheng Research Group
Advanced Manufacturing and Metamaterials Laboratory

招收时间: 2016 秋季,2017春季,夏秋季

Our group focuses at the intersection of high resolution, optical additive manufacturing technologies and metamaterials design, synthesis and measurement. Our mechanical metamaterial works have been published on top journals such as Nature Materials, Science and are frequently featured by major media outlets. We welcome highly motivated and talented scholars to join our vibrant, multi-disciplinary research team.

课题方向: 新型光学3D打印技术, 微纳米结构材料设计和材料力学, 有机,金属,陶瓷材料制备及处理等。实验室负责人郑教授来自于劳伦斯国家实验室, 现任弗吉尼亚理工机械工程系教授,高分子研究院教授。 实验室从事3D微纳米打印,机械超材料的研究,其研究在《自然材料》,《科学》等期刊主页刊登。

实验室招收博士生及访问学者 请发简历,代表作,及推荐人信息至 Dr. Zheng,
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