求Finance Industry的码农内推 _ /*计算机(BS)+金工(MS)*/

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先来介绍下自己,本科(计算机科学) & 研究生(金融工程),2017年1月毕业,目前在尽全力找full-time,求Finance Industry的码农内推 _ 计算机(BS)+金工(MS)

[align="left"]Computer skills如下:[/align]
[align="left"]C++: Library management system, multithreading real-time airport simulation system, Robotic Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance[/align][align="left"]MATLAB: Image processing, corner recognition algorithm, KNN algorithm and neural network[/align][align="left"]R Software: Bollinger band reversal strategy on FX, momentum strategy on commodity futures markets, pairs trading on US equity, momentum switching strategy on Fixed Income, back-test trading strategy, cleaned millions of lines of equity data, Monte Carlo simulation, text mining, natural language processing[/align][align="left"]C language: Independently developed Jewel Quest game in 30 days[/align]
[align="left"]Others: Java, Python, Hadoop, SQL, VBA, Assembly language, Verilog HDL, Latex, JavaScript, HTML 很少用,但是用过[/align]

1. Yield Curve Construction and Swap Price Risk Estimation
2. Evaluation of the Impact of Earning Report on Stock Price in C++
3. Modeling by Historical Data and Forecasting 2015 Returns and Risk (macroeconomic factor model, fundamental factor model and statistical factor model)

最后留下自己的邮箱,1point3acres.com, 恳请版上的前辈们帮忙 谢谢大家