半模板回复的陶瓷信该怎么继续学术交流@ EE phD申请

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今天收到了教授回的信,如下。感觉教授的意思也就是,恩,你申吧,交了我再看看。可怜LZ本来一直在读paper想要继续和教授沟通,教授的一句once your application file is complete, you are welcome to email me,感觉再发email算不算骚扰啊...

Dear xxx,

Thanks for your interest in our Ph.D. program. In order to be considered for possible admission with financial support in our group, you need to apply through xx University. Further information is available at http:.

After you apply and submit all the required documents once your application file is complete, you are welcome to email me and and I’ll follow up with the university and review your application file.

We have numerous applicants. Reference letters among the other documents (transcripts, etc.) are of great importance in our selection process. We also do a lot of research on 我的研究方向。