请问怎么给opt extension pending的case来reverify I-9

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24个月的opt extension还在pending状态没有批准,regular opt马上就要过期了,公司HR说I9需要重新激活一下。搜了一下,用马上过期的EAD和新的24个月的I20就可以继续工作180天。

The following documents establish the student’s identity and employment authorization for Form I-9 purposes:

  • Unexpired EAD or
  • Expired EAD presented with Form I-20 endorsed by the student’s Designated School Official (DSO). Note: this is acceptable for 180 days from the expiration date on the card and work authorization must be reverified after 180 days for employment to continue.
If the student presents an expired EAD and an endorsed Form I-20 as described above, the employer should write the following information under List A in Section 2 of Form I-9:

  • The EAD document title
  • The EAD document number
  • The date the EAD expired in the expiration date space and
  • “180-day Ext.”

按照这里的步骤,公司HR试着网上填表去再次激活I9,expiration date那块只能填日期,系统不允许再填别的东西了。HR从来没弄过这个,我俩一起弄了半天,怎么试都没办法把 180-day ext 加到expiration date后面。HR说他再问问。。

我想请问有经验的版友,对于opt extension pending的情况,技术上到底是怎么填I-9呢?估计很多人都是opt过期的时候extension的EAD卡还没有下来吧,你们的HR是怎么操作的呢? 万分感谢!!!
我又搜了一圈,貌似是这种情况的话,e-verify系统没办法用过期的document去激活I9,只能填一张纸质的I-9,等新的EAD来了以后再e veriy I9。请问是这样吗?
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