美国New Mexico大学彭教授课题组招收应用/计算电磁方向的博士生

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University of New Mexico工学院电子与计算机工程系(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Zhen Peng 教授常年招收若干名博士生,要求本科为电子工程/计算机/计算数学/物理及相关专业。导师项目经费充足,博士学习期间相关费用均由导师承担,享受学费减免以外并可得到约$25000/yr的资助.

目前Peng教授主要从事计算电磁,多物理场分析,电磁兼容/信号完整性分析,毫米波无线通信系统统计建模等多方面的研究。Peng教授近年来的研究成果在high fidelity simulation-design、智能制造等方面取得了较好的应用,指导博士生在IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,Pier, Journal of Computational Physics,IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology,Radio Science等期刊上发表论文多篇.

拟招收的博士生主要从事Computational Science相关方面的研究,要求身心健康,有较好的编程能力(C++/ Fortran/MATLAB/Python)、务实的学习态度,通过学校认定的GRE,TOEFL考试. Peng教授本硕博毕业于中国科技大学和中国科学院电子所,指导学生耐心,可为博士生提供良好的平台.

入学时间: 2017 Spring,Fall.

有意向的硕士生可先与Dr. Peng联系,了解相关细节问题.

Multiple PhD graduate research assistant positions are available immediately in the Applied Electromagnetic Group at Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), University of New Mexico (UNM). The candidates are expected to conduct research on the computational electromagnetics and multi-physics analysis, signal integrity and power integrity analyses of IC and electronic systems, and first-principle and statistical modeling of the millimeter-wave wireless channel. The PhD student can receive up to $25000 support per year with tuition waiver and other benefits.

Preferred Qualifications:
(1) A degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Applied and Computational Mathematics or other related fields; (2) Programming skills with MATLAB, Fortran or C; (3) Experience and knowledge of electromagnetic field and waves, numerical simulation and computational algorithms.

To apply for the position, please send CV with a list of three references to Prof. Zhen Peng, 1point3acres.com

The University of New Mexico is a public research university located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in the United Stated. UNM is categorized as a Carnegie Research I University (very high research activity) in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education. The ECE department in UNM is a group of 35 tenure-track faculty members and more than 280 graduate students working in a variety of research disciplines. The applied electromagnetics program at UNM has a worldwide reputation in pulsed power and beams, plasma science, reconfigurable antennas and cognitive radio, and high-fidelity computational electromagnetics.

For information of University of New Mexico, please go to
For information of the ECE department in UNM, please go to
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