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有些项目给了department code,有些没给,所以托福需要重复送分吗?还是说只用送一份给学校就行了?{:7_211:}

补充内容 (2016-10-23 20:17):

整理了这几个学院的ETS code,刚发邮件问了这些小秘,还没回复。
Heinz:[email protected]

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补充内容 (2016-10-23 20:17):
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不过ini既然说了“The most important code to use is the 2074 institution code, that insures your results are reported to the university, which receives these reports in bulk and posts them to a central database that all departments can access.” 那么我暂且认为其他的学院也能收到吧(大概)?
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The different department codes allow paper ETS reports to be delivered directly to a department. The most important code to use is the 2074 institution code, that insures your results are reported to the university, which receives these reports in bulk and posts them to a central database that all departments can access.

Provided you use that code, 2074, all departments will have access to your test results. So just report the test once using 2074, select any department code (it doesn’t matter which one you choose) and we will be able to access your test results. We do not need to receive the hard copy test report to consider it official.


Lisa Currin

Associate Director of Admissions & Enrollment
Information Networking Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
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整理了这几个学院的ETS code,刚发邮件问了这些小秘,还没回复。
Heinz:[email protected]

All Programs:
Institution Code: 2074
Department Code: NO department code needs to be listed.*
*We have access to all GRE scores reported to Carnegie Mellon University (institution code 2074, all department codes). To expedite verification of your scores, please do not select any other institution code listed for Carnegie Mellon University.
When registering for the TOEFL, please use the following institute code: 2176
INI:[email protected]

To submit your GRE test results through the Educational Testing Service (ETS) use the following codes: #2074 (Carnegie Mellon U), department code #0404 (Information Sciences).
To submit your TOEFL test results through the Educational Testing Service (ETS) use the following codes: Institution #2074, Department (no department is required, but you may use 99 "unspecified department" if necessary)
CS:[email protected]

GRE Institution Code: 2074; Department Code: 0402
TOEFL Institution Code: 4256; Department Code: 78
ECE:[email protected]

What are the ETS Codes?
ETS Code Information:
CMU Institution Code: 2074
GRE Department Code: 1203
TOEFL Department Code: 66