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UCLA Faculty Women’s Club Scholarship UCLA Faculty Women’s Club (FWC) Scholarships (several awards of $2,500 to $5,000 each) are offered to males and females in any area of study that is within the UCLA Graduate Division. There is one special scholarship in engineering and another special scholarship for a student who is majoring in a scientific field related, allied or of value to the medical field. Every other year, the FWC also awards one scholarship to a full-time student who is the spouse of a member of the UCLA full-time faculty or administration. Also available is a scholarship for the direct descendant (child, step or adopted child, grandchild) of a UCLA full-time or retired full-time member of the UCLA faculty or administration. Students must have at least a 3.5 GPA to apply.

这个奖学金看起来是可以申请的 但到International students 那里又写到 International students at UCLA are not eligible for support based solely on need (loans and work-study jobs). Therefore, international students are strongly advised to secure funds from their own sources. 很矛盾啊。。

在奖学金申报表格上面竟然没有这个选项可选。。 在网申的界面上看到如果要申请的话需要写Please upload a statement and documents on how you meet the eligibility requirements for this award.。。 也不知道这个statement的格式是什么。。 问了小米也无人回应。。
麻烦大家帮帮忙啦。。 deadline快到了。。 好迷茫 。。。