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[align="center"]加州理工医学工程系高伟课题组招收博士后和博士生[/align][align="center"]Postdoctoral and Graduate ScholarOpenings at California Institute of Technology[/align][align="center"] [/align][align="left"]加州理工医学工程系高伟课题组(weigaonano.com)招聘博士后和博士研究生,同时欢迎联合培养博士生(CSC等等)。优先考虑的方向有生物传感,柔性电子,微纳器件,纳米医学,电化学,生物化学,微流体等等。有兴趣者请将简历(PDF)和研究兴趣发至1point3acres.com.[/align][align="left"]高伟博士,2014年博士毕业于加州大学圣迭戈分校(师从Prof.Joseph Wang), 2014-2017在加州大学伯克利分校进行博士后研究工作(师从Prof.Ali Javey). 近年来致力于柔性电子、可穿戴设备、生物检测,纳米医学和纳米机器人方面的研究,并在Nature,Nature Commun., PNAS, JACS, Adv. Mater., NanoLett., ACS Nano等期刊发表论文60余篇,总引用超过4000次,H-index 38. 曾获得一系列的国际奖项包括: 2015美国化学协会杰出青年科学家奖(无机化学分会); 2013和2014美国材料学会研究生奖;2013年美国化工协会生物纳米技术研究生奖;2012霍华德·休斯医学院国际研究生奖. 2016年麻省理工科技评论“世界杰出青年创新家”(MITTR35). 于2017年8月开始在加州理工学院建立独立的研究课题组。[/align][align="left"] [/align][align="left"]The Laboratory for BioelectronicDevices in Medical Engineering at California Institute of Technology (weigaonano.com) is announcing multipleresearch openings for postdoctoral scholars and graduate research assistants.Students and postdoctoral associates are expected to have a strong academicperformance and background from one or more of the following fields: Engineering,Medicine, Chemistry, and Applied Physics. Preference will be given to creativeindividuals with interests in the following areas: biosensors, flexible electronics, micro/nano device fabrication,nanomedicine, biochemistry, electrochemistry, fluid mechanics and microfluidics.The postdoctoral fellows for the positions are expected to be involved ininterdisplinary research projects and collaborate closely with physiologistsand clinicians from major research institutions.[/align][align="left"]The primary academicinterests of the Laboratory for Bioelectronic Devices involve directintegration of various experimental techniques and materials to developversatile bio-electronic devices for personalized and precision medicine:wearable/implantable biosensors that perform real-time health monitoring andclinical assessment, wearable/implantable therapeutic devices that can performon-site sensing and treatment, and synthetic nanorobots that offer thetherapeutic capability of rapid drug delivery and precision surgery.[/align][align="left"]Postdoctoral applicantsmust provide evidence of a strong publication record, ability to workindependently, and a commitment to launching new fields of study. Successfulapplicants are expected to outline a well defined program of study aligned withthe research activities described above. Applications should be emailed toprof. Wei Gao at 1point3acres.com. The application materials(PDF format) should include a cover letter (to describe project of interest andskill set), CV, and contact information for 3 or more faculty familiar withapplicant's work. [/align][align="left"]Caltech graduate studentsinterested in research opportunities with the laboratory should contact prof.Gao at 1point3acres.com for an appointment todiscuss available projects. Graduatestudents at all other universities must first apply for admission to Caltech.Information pertaining to application procedures, academic requirements, and deadlinescan be found at gradoffice.caltech.edu.[/align]
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