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今天收到南加州的提醒,说我上传的成绩单有问题, 我本科成绩单是百分制, 研究生是ABCD的, 貌似他们都要求ABCD, 可是学校官方给的就是这个啊?大家怎么解决呀?求助!感觉好奇怪的!

Wuhan University: Updated official, university-issued transcript showing all your marks as percentage grades. The transcript currently on file shows your marks as letter grades. This format is not acceptable for our evaluation purposes. Please provide both a Chinese original-language transcript as well as an official English-language translation. The translation should either come directly from the school itself or a professional, certified translator. It must contain all information shown on the original-language documents and “mirror” them as precisely as possible.

In order to expedite the process, please follow the instructions below:

1) If you have the requested documents on hand, you may scan and send a copy of the materials in a direct email response to this message. Please use PDF or JPEG format only, not exceeding 10 MB in total size.

2) Otherwise, you must send the requested items within 2 weeks to our office per the mailing instructions posted on our website gradadm.usc.edu.