大家帮我看看这样回复dream school的教授是否合适?

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背景:之前一直帮教授做项目,断断续续也大半年了。今天想到了就让教授帮我写封推荐信了,于是我先把自己的第一版的PS发给他,他觉得不太好,给了我一些建议。就这么一直修改到12月,我又把自己的一些背景信息发过去,他追问了我的学习成绩,想要给我一些further advice.然后就催生了这封邮件:

you have a good chance with your test scores. The rest is now pure luck. I hope to see you in person and work on many projects together with you in the future.

Let me know what you want me to do.


Dear XX:

Thanks for your encouragement! You are the one who inspire me to delve into the field of education. Your support and recognition mean a lot to me.
The first time I arrived in XX, I knew it is my dream. My time in XX is overwhelmingly rewarding. If I have the chance to be enrolled into LDT and dug deeper in digital learning and related areas, I would be delighted. Of course, I am looking forward to working for you on SMILE and other projects in the future.
Currently, I am applying 4 universities in USA including, XX,XX,XX,XX. I was wondering whether you could write me a strong recommendation. I believe your recommendation will help me be outstanding among various applicants.

Thanks in advance for your time and assistance. I will keep my finger crossed:)
