MS Applied Economics and Statistics 1st-Clemson

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1、Applied Economics and Statistics这个项目是混合院系教学,申请时需要选择经济系还是农林生科学院。老师就从三个部门抽,总体感觉没有什么归属感。
Graduates of the Master of Science (MS) in Applied Economics and Statistics fill an increasingly valuable niche in public and private organizations. Students in the MS program learn to apply economic theory, estimate econometric models, and use inferential statistics to analyze human behavior, business strategy, or government policy. The program's administrative home is the John E. Walker Department of Economics. Faculty from the, statisticians from the, and applied economists in the College of Agriculture, Forestry, and Life Sciences teach the required and most of the elective courses in the curriculum.

2、项目本身更多基于经济应用,偏经济。虽然说选课自由,但是必须完成1. Microeconomics for Public Policy (ECON 8230) or, if the instructor and departmental Chair permit, Microeconomic Theory (ECON 8010), both of which are offered in the fall;2. Public Policy Economics (APEC 8220) or Macroeconomic Theory (ECON 8050), both of which are offered in the spring semester.;3. Introduction to Econometrics (ECON 6050) or Regression and Least Squares Analysis (EXST 8030);4. Advanced Econometrics (ECON 6060), Sampling (EXST 8040), Design and Analysis of Experiments (EXST 8050), Multivariate Statistics (EXST 8170), or Time-Series Econometrics (ECON 9090)这些经济类课程。其他主要提供的统计课程也偏理论。

3、Handbook(2012)提供的入学学生数量本身,The number of applicants accepted each year varies. Seven students enrolled for 2011-2012 and nine did for 2012-2013. If applicant qualifications permit, we could admit and enroll two times as many students for 2013-2014.或许和老师交流会更多,“The faculty are devoted to helping graduate students achieve academic, intellectual, personal, and career goals. The faculty will endeavor to create a challenging environment of scholarship, creativity, and intellectual freedom. You will be encouraged to work closely with the faculty and to participate in academic activities as colleagues of the faculty.”

4、就业信息见handbook上只有这一段:Graduates of the MS in AES program have used their skills to fill an increasingly valuable niche in public and private sectors. Employers of recent graduates include these: AgSouth Farm Credit, Archer Daniels Midland, BB&T Bank, BBDO Atlanta, Cardno Entrix, Florida Farm Bureau, Fractal Analytics, Impact DataSource, Ipsos, Greenville Technical College, Medical University of South Carolina, National Golf Foundation, Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, Resurgent Capital Services, Town of Caswell Beach in North Carolina, Tri-County Technical College, U.S. Forest Service, USAA Federal Savings Bank, and Vision Recycling. Other graduates subsequently earn doctorates at Clemson or elsewhere in economics, agricultural and applied economics, or statistics. 但是具体信息不详。

@camio :从地图上看clemson可能是我所知道的学校里最农的一个。。。别的学校吧,再村儿的话周边至少有大城市,你像典型的TAMU和PURDUE。但CLEMSON周边确实开好久车都没有一个像样的城市,而且本身学校所在地也小的有点夸张了。。。我曾犹豫过很久要不要申这所学校,后来愣是因为地点的原因放弃了。。。其实学校本身学术很好的。。。不过我是读PhD,时间长,所以不得不考虑生活质量问题。
anyway,我相信也有很多人不care,人家在那儿好得很呢。It depends...
@心碎的咩咩 :clemson吧。。。据我同学说开车2个小时 找不到超市和MALL。。。。 所有的商店都在学校里面。。但是可以想象一下 学校内部的商店 又能有多大?我盆友去那边读PHD 发现太农了 直接quit了。。。 林肯也是村子里 我同学说 那个MALL小的要命。。几乎没几家店 不过开车2小时貌似有个很大的城市 商店蛮多的

另外,我个人感觉Clemson非工科的竞争力好像不是很大,地里报这儿信息的人也不多。在寄托逛了下,看到去年有个学英语和会计的女生也被这儿录了= =或许对于专业背景不是太好的童鞋来说是个机会~

补充内容 (2014-3-28 13:48):
关于地理位置和就业去向补充:@berserker888 :从地图上看开两个小时也能到either 亚特兰大或者夏洛特了
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