Rej by UW-Madison, both MS and PhD

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The Admissions Committee has completed its review of your graduate program application to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. I regret to inform you that after careful consideration of your application file, the committee is unfortunately unable to grant you admission into our Graduate Program here at the UW-Madison.

The evaluation of applications is a comprehensive process that considers grades, test scores, work experience, research experience, letters of recommendation, ranking of undergraduate institution, and other factors.

Each year, we receive hundreds of applications with excellent academic records. Unfortunately, due to limited resources, we can admit only a small group of applicants who best match our requirements for the department.

Thank you again for your interest in the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and education.

Graduate Admissions Team
Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin - Madison
2312 Engineering Hall
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

补充内容 (2014-3-28 10:37):
我提交了两份申请,一个 ECE MS,一个 ECE PhD。一个系只让申一个 program,系统默认把 MS 覆盖掉了。所以一定要看 faq 啊,这学校似乎不能 PhD 降 MS 录取的!!!切记!!!