PhD RA openings, ECE, UMASS Lowell

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本人今年1月刚来UMASS Lowell机械系读博,去年申请时在寄托和地里获得了大量的有用信息,深表感谢。相关资料可见[报offer] Offer-ME PHD,U Mass Lowell。

因为课题与Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering的副教授Prof. Xingwei Wang课题组合作,现受委托发个招生的帖子。

预计招收1至2名全奖博士生(含),2014秋季或2015明年春季入学。方向是光纤/声光传感器的设计、制造和测试及其在生物医学和工业中的应用研究。请用英文直接与Prof. Xingwei Wang联系。具体请访问该课题组网页:Position: ECE Ph.D. candidate (acoustics; optics)。

UMASS Lowell,既麻省大学罗威尔(或洛厄尔)校区,距离波士顿25 mile(40 km),大约半小时车程。详细信息介绍可以参见



A Brief Introduction
The optical fiber sensor group in Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at UMass Lowell has one or two position(s) available for PhD graduate research assistant(s) . The research areas involve novel optical fiber sensor design and testing for biomedical and industrial applications as well as photoacoustic sensor development.

Essential Requirements for Prospective Candidates:
1. Preference will be given to students who have got their M.S. degree in optics, acoustics, electrical engineering, or the related fields.
2. A very good command of the English language (written and spoken) is required.
3. A strong foundation in optical fiber sensor, optics, lasers, or acoustics is required.
4. The candidate is expected to be able to work independently and conduct scholarly research. He/she should be hard-working and highly self-motivated.
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