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看地里好多人报rej啊,我就登了下那个 tracker查了查(lumen.eng.uci.edu)。其实挺正常的,被拒是应该的,GPA控的学校就不该申那么多啊。。。。

Your application for admission to graduate study in Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine has been given serious consideration by the admissions committee. We must regretfully notify you that your application to our graduate program for Fall 2014 has been denied.In view of the large number of well-qualified applicants and the limited number of spaces available, the admissions committee must be selective in making its recommendations. The selection process is one of identifying those applicants who are best qualified for a specific graduate program, based upon a review of each applicant's file and number of openings in the research programs in that field. Your academic preparation and scholarship, letters of recommendation, expressed interests and objectives, and other supporting materials in your file have all been taken into consideration during the committee's review process.
Although we are unable to act favorably upon your application, we appreciate your interest in our graduate program.
